Friday, January 10, 2020

You've got it all

You've Got it ALL

New year…
It’s said to treat each day as a new day, new form of blessing, new day of hope and opportunities. But why even after treating each day, new year is given so much of importance?
Sometimes it takes a tiny one step to make something extraordinary from ordinary. From the series of treating each day as a new day, somewhere we lose energy and require one extra push to start it all burning again. New year just gives that extra something to our every day and gives a ray of hope to have something which will last for another 365 days.

Somewhere along the line we keep getting dusted, polished and again dusted along the year. Just like we clean our homes in Diwali, new year is something to clean all this dust and start fresh again.
So what are we waiting for. Lets just take this year as an opportunity to get the best out of ourselves.
No matter how hard the work was, how pathetic your days were, how harsh those words were, how difficult was it to survive those relations, how miserable was to go through a phase where you felt lonely; it all built up ‘you’. So lets keep it going:
Cause you have got it all! You have got it all it takes to make this year your year. To make each day count as your victory, to get the best version of yourself out there and to achieve what you are here for!

Cheers to the new year, new beginning, new hope and new you 😊

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