Saturday, November 15, 2014


Look what sky is showing, look what birds are singing, look how flowers are blooming, look how wind is blowing !!! Look the nature and you will see that each and every second the whole universe is changing !

CHANGE - this word is something that we all are facing in each and every phase of life ! Some changes are acceptable and some are not ! But what causes this CHANGE ?
We all struggle with change of emotions, change of relations, change of nature, change of behaviors, change of bonding and mostly change in ourselves!!!  When everyone right now is struggling their own battle, how well we accept these changes ?!

Well, to be frank I was resistant to any changes ! any change in relations or any change in myself ! But, Life has brought me to such a point where I can understand the meaning of CHANGE !

To sum up all the experience I had, change is a way to learn ! Today, when we all are chasing our dreams and forgetting who we are ,one question arises in my mind! Do we really know who we are and what we want ? It is not any goal,or passion or any thing that we want, all we want is accept the life as it comes! We can't accept the changes and so we chase to compensate to those changes! we try to change the changes that life brings !!! But in this never ending run, we all come to a point when we actually understand that whatever change life brings is a chance to learn ! A chance to learn about relations, about emotions, about bonding and most important a chance to learn about ourselves!

No amount of salary, no amount of love and no number of relations can make us learn who we are and what we want! Accepting the change is the only way to learn who we are! and so the most important change we need to accept is the change in ourselves!!!  Anything else is secondary, we can't accept persons with their change unless we accept ourselves for our change !

To start with, I came up to USA ! and I didn't know what life is going to give me ! I cursed my life and cursed myself to come here . But, to my great surprise, today I feel like it is the best blessings I could ever have ! I am able to see life in a whole new way . I am totally independent of any relations ( of course some special ones are there), and the most important thing I could learn is to see people who really care for me !

It is said that some things are better viewed from distance . and same thing happened to me. I could see people with their original form ! As my nature holds me back every time, I did not want people to change ! I did not want relations to change . But change never listens. It comes and show its effects. But, when I started to accept those changes I felt super blessed!
This is for all the people who are in my life directly or indirectly . You all have changed my life in a better way. I used to keep chasing people for not changing my relations! But, one wonderful thing I learnt during all these experience is that, the people who accept you for your changes and still love you are the people worth having! I feel really blessed to have such people in my life who accepted me for who I am. I also feel blessed to have people who didn't accept me for my changes. Those are the people who made me learn that every person in your life has their own role. You can make an effort to make things work, but after some point you just need to let them go. Of course,it hurts to let them go. But that is the best thing to learn ! There is no point of making them realize your value, because people who accept you are the people who will always stay there for you ! People who respect you and trust you will always accept you and people who don't will make you learn some amazing lessons of life .

Again comes a new experience( not a friend this time ;) ) . When I felt like hell I just closed my eyes and felt what life has given to me. And I felt so stupid to feel upset about anything. Life has given me so much to learn. I have learnt to accept changes, to love myself, to  accept people for their changes, let go some of the people as time demands ( i wonder how i can do this right now :P ) , and most important thing I have learnt is to live !!  I have learnt to make myself happy, to love life in however form it comes, to love "my" people with fulll heart, and to LEARN in each and every second of life .

I don't know what money I am going to earn after coming USA. But I surely have earned lots and lots of things by learning. I have earned my education , my friends, my family and most important I have earned myself ! I have earned my whole being!

So cheers to Learning, as it will make you the richest person as you will earn your self!


(P.S. : I have learnt that my PARENTS are my best earning, more than myself :)  )

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Angel !

Like any normal child I was expected to be delivered ! Naagpancham, randhan chath, shitla satam, JANMASHTMI ! Every one was set to their moods . A healthy child was growing somewhere and expectations were high , but not higher than welcoming me in this new world ! I was there safe at some place waiting for my time to come in this world ! I don't remember what I was feeling at that time, but right now I can definitely say that it would be something like this : " From 9 months I have seen world from your eyes mom, I have felt air through you, food through you and I have felt tears and happiness through you. Now I think it is my time to come out and feel the same from my organs! According to doctors, I had still some time to wait there. But, how can I resist to come out in such an amazing atmosphere? Where everyone is waiting for joy to be celebrated for Krishna, How can I wait there for my turn ?! Damn to Doctors and all the predictions ! I m gonna come and rock this world ;)

Though it was quite rocking and exciting for me , it was not the same for you mom. It is said that anything that goes against nature has to pay the price ! Mom ! You needed to pay the price of my excitement ! After all what doctors said, there was no hope for me to come there and rock the world ! But here comes the time when miracles happen.

How can Krishna do this to me? How can he not let me live on the day he comes in this world ? And yes ! It started with all the excitement. I shared the most exciting and most rocking day of my life with Krishna ! After he came in this world , he started doing miracles and let me come here to rock the world ! And from that very first moment I believe in MIRACLES !!! :)

Moment turned into memory and I got my nick name ( rather first name :P ) as "GOPI" which will remain with me for the lifetime. When I was there being excited about my birth, I was not sure where I am going to come. But how can Krishna send me on this day at some place other than heaven ?!! Yes.. He gave me the right day, the right name and the right place. I did not realize this till this date so badly, but now I realize that any place on this earth with my Parents is Heaven ! Life would be so different if I was not born at this beautiful place ! I really thank them to bring me in this world like a beautiful flower, bring me up like a princess and let me fly like a bird for my dreams.

I don't know this is a fairy tale or real, but what I really know is Krishna is there for their devotees! No matter what is the place , what is the time and what is the situation! He is the one because of him I am in such a beautiful world and can survive in so tough situations!

Not to write much this time, I am really thankful to Krishna to give me birth on this special occasion. And above all I am thankful to him from my bottom of my heart to give me beautiful parents as mine! It is definitely true that God could not take care of each of us so he created MOTHER. And Mothers could not pamper their daughters to the highest level so they created FATHER. :) <3

We all have this special day and special place in our lives , where MIRACLES happen and life changes. All we need to do is have FAITH,HOPE and BELIEF. If we Believe, MIRACLES do happen !! And with Miracles LIFE IS MAGIC !!

Cheers to all the MIRACLES in our lives!!


Thursday, June 26, 2014


After all of the positive inspiration that I gave to myself after coming USA, there was still some thing which was not letting me be "FREE". It was really difficult to find out what it was. After so much thinking and restlessness , finally I got the answer from myself only. Yes .!!! This is what we often forget to do!! Talking with ourselves.!!! We have read it a thousand times and we know that we need to talk to ourselves and listen to our inner voice. But, all this theory is never or rarely implemented in our lives. We get up and every day becomes busy in getting our lives easier.! But, somehow we forget to get easy with ourselves.! 

Yes..That is what we need to do .! Be easy with ourselves.! After all the restless nights , I came to know that one thing which was hindering my thoughts and was not letting me sit with the peace.! It was : "Expecting a lot, and not accepting much." 
And BINGO..!!! I just got what I was finding from so many days.! At that very moment, I decided to accept the life as it comes. Here comes again a friend whose lines are simple but quite effective. Life is at its best when you expect less and it is only possible when you stop trying to understand the life. We waste our times in analyzing our situations in life and by the time we analyze it, that time has already gone away. Again comes the new time, the new life and new analyzing..!!! Cycle goes on and on..!

So best way is to stop analyzing and start living.! Most of us really don't LIVE but just EXIST.! We love to be happy, but we keep trying to make others happy .! It is good to make others happy, but I believe that if you can't keep yourself happy then there is not at all any point in making others happy.! Then next question is : From where does this happiness comes from? Shopping ? having party ? fun?...Well, answers depend on every individual. But for me that ultimate happiness comes from within. That one point when you make yourself comfortable with life and most importantly with yourself ! It is that point when you finally realize that being yourself is the ultimate happiness.! There will be times when we make mistakes, we let down our expectations, we behave like we have never imagined.!! We keep blaming ourselves for our mistakes and rest of the time we keep analyzing it.! But, there comes one point when you finally accept yourself, expect minimum from life and that is the point you make PEACE with your mind. No amount of money can buy this peace and no amount of time can alter this peace. This is the time when you finally realize that LIFE is worth LIVING ; and the most important thing is we can not LIVE our lives by being what we are not. So just BE YOURSELF and accept every single bit of it.

So let's take time out from this busy life and give ourselves enough space to find ourselves. ! Even 5 minutes of talk with ourselves can also make our day better .! If we can spend half of our time in searching profiles of others, why can't we take out 5 minutes for ourselves?!! Let us all try to give this 5 minutes to ourselves daily and just make sure we be who we are in front of ourselves. 

Cheers to Being "Yourself". I am sure you will find a lot happiness and peace and I hope we all will maintain this for our upcoming rocking life.

Cheers for being "YOU"...(y) 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Moment of Spark.

I am lying on my bed, thinking about the way life has turned. From the streets of ahmedabad to highways of USA, from vadapav to burger and from
" this!!" to " Oh Crap..!! I need to do this."

Change is inevitable. But what makes this change a reason for living? While we are constantly negotiating the way we are dealing with life, What is that one thing that keeps us alive?
That one thing for me is " S P A R K".
 We all have that one spark which not only illuminates our lives but also enlightens our whole life.There are times when we can think of nothing. Just a Question mark.!!
Why life led us to this point? Why we can't live in our past where we used to have fun? Why our silly fights can't be continued? Why we just can't pass our exams by late night studies ? Why we can't wait for the last exam?
(Especially expected fun after our last exam)
Why we need to carry so much burden of responsibilities?

And there comes this spark...The moment of Spark in our life.

We can't stay in our past because we don't need to be there. Past is something cherishable, Future is something worth dreaming..But Present is something worth Living.

There comes times when we can't find a single reason to survive. But that is the time we need to identify this SPARK.
For me this spark is the only thing that keeps us living.

After all dark days there will be a shining day. SO what to do until we reach that day? Wait for that day?
NO..!!! Just illuminate your dark days by this "SPARK"

Things change,people change and life changes. But what is persistent is this SPARK.
Whenever things go worst,whenever there is no one besides me, Whenever I feel that Life has not a single reason to live this one Spark makes me alive.
Spark of winning!
Spark of accomplishing my dream!
Spark of fighting with all the odds of life.!
Spark of Living!!!
I know I am exaggrating the facts that Life is not so easy to handle.! But. trust me It Is.!!!
We complicate the things by giving it the name of " trouble" and just forget that the solution lies within ourselves.
So what do I mean by this Spark?
Is it any magical thing? Any thing that we need to work hard to get? Is it a thing like any power for which we need to concentrate hard enough?

No...and in a way yes..!
This Spark for me is a belief..." FAITH ..HOPE ..BELIEF"
Faith in our supernatural powers.
Hope for the best future.
And belief that things are going best.

We feel nervous and hopeless when things go worst and feel alone. But there is one energy which (who) will never let us be alone. He pushes us to the extent of hopelessness just to make us realize that before the  brightest
day there will be the darkest night.

So by the spark that comes at this moment we can win the battle. This spark can only help us to survive in the darkest night.
And we soon realize that this spark was nothing but the first spark of the brightest day..:)

So let's just find our SPARKS and enlighten not only our lives but also the whole LIFE around us...

Cheers..!!! Have a sparkling time ahead...:)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Too Far...Too Near...:)

I open my messages and wait for your message, I open my facebook and wait for your notification, I open my call list and wait for your call. Every little thing you did ,every little fight we had, every little joy we had is becoming precious to me now.


Isn't it great that someone who is once unknown to you , becomes as special as a family member? Someone whom you meet in life after your family and yet they become your family?

Friendship ..The word that brings magic in itself. The one to whom you can speak off anythings, do any nonsense, be like whatever you wish to be.. Cries...Laughs...Hugs...Fights...All small matters those have nothing logical , but still to fight for it .:)

When I came Far from you , I was afraid ..I was afraid if you would leave my hand now, if you would stop fighting with me now, if you would stop remembering me now...But, to my great surprise , I found you being there..Being there to wipe my tears..Being there to hold my hand, to pet my back, to push me up, to let me fight...That is what which makes me feel , it's better sometimes to be far from your dear ones so that you can establish a new era of feelings, a new era of understanding, a new era of FRIENDSHIP.

Somethings are better seen clearer from distance. And so is the Friendship. Now it doesn't matter whether u remember me or not, whether u ping me or not, whether you take time out for me or not. All I know is , whenever I am in trouble , you will be there. All I know is , you will be there to cheer my success , to pet my back , to cherish beautiful moments of my life. <3

It's true , now we can't fight like before, we can't talk like before, we can't have fun like before...
We can love each other miles apart...We can know that true feelings are never separated from distance...We can know that there is no place for misunderstandings to spoil our precious relations..We can care for each other...It is confirmed that our stupid, silly reasons of fighting were just for getting attention..;)
We can know that being apart is the best way for getting closer..

And above all.. we can know that Friendship doesn't need any call, message or notification...It just a needs a magical feeling..That healing feeling which can heal all the pains ...It is just about having true feelings that matters...and nothing else matters now....

And so..."Being too FAR from you , I am becoming CLOSER to you."

Cheers to our Friendship...:) <3

Saturday, February 22, 2014

The first day I stepped in USA. The difference was felt from the air only . The first thing came into my mind; "Where am I?" . From the land of culture I have stepped a foot on a land where there is not even a second for thinking about anyone else. Where everyone is living their "American Dream" , I am here for pursuing my dreams.
"My dreams"...
Not so fancy , not so cool , but my little sweet dreams of having my life revived in USA.
But things are not as cool as they seem in their first place..
Missing home can not be replaced by the roaming in USA.
Mom's food can't be replaced by burgers and pizzas;
Dad's care can't be replaced by professor's teaching;
and above all INDIA can't be replaced by USA.

Things went on worst , I lost myself somewhere. The killing spirit had gone somewhere and loneliness started killing me.

But, then comes a light, an inner voice , and a friend..:)

I am the girl with killing spirit , "Killer Girl"..
So what if I cry on any small matter , That's what I am!!!
People call it emotional fool , but I call it bunch of feelings...
People use your feelings in USA , but SO what???

Here I am; again with the same smile; with same confidence. So what if I am afraid of walking alone? I know I ll fly alone one day. So what if I cry alone? I know I will laugh at my cries one day. So what if I am not enough confident right now? I know I will conquer all the things one day.
So what if I can't trust anyone right now? I will make everyone love me one day.
So what people don't like the way I am? I will love myself enough one day.

I am here to fulfill all my promises ; commitment and above all " to cherish each and every moment of my life."

I am taking steps , small small steps , but I will fly one day with both arms open and with full confidence...:)

Till then..." I will make a living out of whatever I have"...:)