Saturday, November 15, 2014


Look what sky is showing, look what birds are singing, look how flowers are blooming, look how wind is blowing !!! Look the nature and you will see that each and every second the whole universe is changing !

CHANGE - this word is something that we all are facing in each and every phase of life ! Some changes are acceptable and some are not ! But what causes this CHANGE ?
We all struggle with change of emotions, change of relations, change of nature, change of behaviors, change of bonding and mostly change in ourselves!!!  When everyone right now is struggling their own battle, how well we accept these changes ?!

Well, to be frank I was resistant to any changes ! any change in relations or any change in myself ! But, Life has brought me to such a point where I can understand the meaning of CHANGE !

To sum up all the experience I had, change is a way to learn ! Today, when we all are chasing our dreams and forgetting who we are ,one question arises in my mind! Do we really know who we are and what we want ? It is not any goal,or passion or any thing that we want, all we want is accept the life as it comes! We can't accept the changes and so we chase to compensate to those changes! we try to change the changes that life brings !!! But in this never ending run, we all come to a point when we actually understand that whatever change life brings is a chance to learn ! A chance to learn about relations, about emotions, about bonding and most important a chance to learn about ourselves!

No amount of salary, no amount of love and no number of relations can make us learn who we are and what we want! Accepting the change is the only way to learn who we are! and so the most important change we need to accept is the change in ourselves!!!  Anything else is secondary, we can't accept persons with their change unless we accept ourselves for our change !

To start with, I came up to USA ! and I didn't know what life is going to give me ! I cursed my life and cursed myself to come here . But, to my great surprise, today I feel like it is the best blessings I could ever have ! I am able to see life in a whole new way . I am totally independent of any relations ( of course some special ones are there), and the most important thing I could learn is to see people who really care for me !

It is said that some things are better viewed from distance . and same thing happened to me. I could see people with their original form ! As my nature holds me back every time, I did not want people to change ! I did not want relations to change . But change never listens. It comes and show its effects. But, when I started to accept those changes I felt super blessed!
This is for all the people who are in my life directly or indirectly . You all have changed my life in a better way. I used to keep chasing people for not changing my relations! But, one wonderful thing I learnt during all these experience is that, the people who accept you for your changes and still love you are the people worth having! I feel really blessed to have such people in my life who accepted me for who I am. I also feel blessed to have people who didn't accept me for my changes. Those are the people who made me learn that every person in your life has their own role. You can make an effort to make things work, but after some point you just need to let them go. Of course,it hurts to let them go. But that is the best thing to learn ! There is no point of making them realize your value, because people who accept you are the people who will always stay there for you ! People who respect you and trust you will always accept you and people who don't will make you learn some amazing lessons of life .

Again comes a new experience( not a friend this time ;) ) . When I felt like hell I just closed my eyes and felt what life has given to me. And I felt so stupid to feel upset about anything. Life has given me so much to learn. I have learnt to accept changes, to love myself, to  accept people for their changes, let go some of the people as time demands ( i wonder how i can do this right now :P ) , and most important thing I have learnt is to live !!  I have learnt to make myself happy, to love life in however form it comes, to love "my" people with fulll heart, and to LEARN in each and every second of life .

I don't know what money I am going to earn after coming USA. But I surely have earned lots and lots of things by learning. I have earned my education , my friends, my family and most important I have earned myself ! I have earned my whole being!

So cheers to Learning, as it will make you the richest person as you will earn your self!


(P.S. : I have learnt that my PARENTS are my best earning, more than myself :)  )


  1. Excellent dikara! I was confident .."u will be u ". And u proved. I am still confident ...u will be at the height ( in every area) ...most of the person dare to dream. U r very positive ...the reason behind the success.

  2. Nice...bhopiii....
    After reading this blog , I would wish that you keep EARNING ( learning) different experiences every day...��. ...
