Friday, June 22, 2018

Inner Voice

‘Should I do this or that?’; ‘Is this right for me or not’; ‘Am I doing right thing or not?’
How hard is it to find those answers? In the chaos of mind, how hard is it to find the ‘right’ answer. Well, having questions is the right path to lead towards those answers. It’s never easy to find an answer or to find a solution if the problem itself is not clear. While it’s hard enough to have answers to the questions, it’s even harder to not realize what solution is needed for that inner peace.
While there may be many ways to find that peace, I believe that there is one thing always with you which not only guide you to the answers, but will also give courage to define the problem. And that’s nothing but your ‘inner voice’.

In the chaos or silence, happiness or upsetting times; there is one thing which will always support you and show you the right way. And that’s your inner voice. If it’s so easy to have a companion like that, why is it that we still are troubled? Even if we know that we have our inner voice with us! What makes it difficult to not have it when we need! – The answers might vary from person to person and there is no one answer. But in some simple words, it’s the layers on that voice which make it difficult to hear. Layers of ego, selfishness, prioritize wrong things and all other factors those make us feel bad. More the layers, harder it is to hear that voice. No person is perfect I would say, but we all can try towards that. And once we have that inner voice always accompanying us, it’s nothing but SERENE! Be it any day, any moment or any situation; we are nothing but secluded in that voice and hence in PEACE. That voice is the voice we get when we toss the coin and hope to have choice our heart wants! That voice is the one which gives tears of happiness once we follow what it said. That voice is the voice which never is inspired form hate or anger, but always inspired by love and faith. That voice is happiness, peace and language of your soul. As it take alphabets to learn any language, the alphabets to learn the language of peace starts with inner voice J

There are so many scenarios where my inner voice has showed me the right path. And one such life changing example for me is for my love of lifeJ.  In all the situations throughout my life, that inner voice told me not to give up and I followed it. It not only gave me courage to survive the most difficult times but also lead me to the beautiful journey with him!  Of all the examples, I can give this one is the best as it took longest years that I followed my inner voice.

And while I am again lost in chaos, something sparked in me for few days and inspired me to write this. And that was nothing but that voice. So let’s hear that voice and practice such that there is time when there are no layers and that voice is always heard.

Cheers to that voice, strength of that voice and to YOU!
Cheers to my parents who always pushed me to hear that voice and bring out the best in me!

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